The open heart, the open mind.

It is a strange time, and it seems that a series of unstoppable events has unleashed itself into our world. From my mystical perch I see we are co-creators in this upheaval, and this gives me comfort. Yes comfort! Because I believe in humanity, and trust the evolving process we are co-creating. Our fears are our safety mechanism, and we cling to them like a child with a comfort blanket. It’s fine, we can be afraid, however we must face what is to come or risk being overtaken by it. Being overtaken can look like, depression, withdrawal, and even expressions of madness. What is it however to surrender to the process we are collectively creating? This is my question, and my personal quest in these times.

Only in prayer, and meditation, have I discovered the rich silence that gives power to the intention of surrender. Here I perceive, sense, and know a part of the infinite that made me, and all. You may be asking why surrender? Why not fight? The mystical mind sees clearly the inverse reaction of these intentions. Surrender makes us strong, grounded, and resolute, and reaction to any of this illusion makes us scattered, and weak.

This is my invitation: fortify your body, mind, soul, your capacity for love, and compassion. Find practical ways to ground yourself, stay connected to your body with conscious movement, and breath. Touch the earth. start a garden, connect to your fellow man by creating community. I think we can all feel a time of profound change is upon us, and t will not stop at “world pandemic”. I could tell you about what I see coming; the earth changes, the arrival of a new species on earth, the collective awakening in to understanding how some of our good intentions are creating the hell we are in. We are to go through much in the coming years, and there is a profound lessons to be learned about being powerful enough individually, to affect positive change within the collective. Be of good cheer, open your heart, open your mind the change is good!

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Can we handle the Truth?!

I have always admired truth speakers. Those refreshing souls who unapologetically disclose their fears and foibles. They remind me that I am human, that we all make mistakes; they are the type of people I strive to emulate.

Living with my vulnerability, and expressing it with integrity.

Now that I understand the dynamics of lying, even by omission. I am endlessly amused (not in a good way) at people’s insistence in pursuing this approach. It’s interesting to notice that it’s always justified in some imagined right to privacy. For example, not talking about the difficult thing that happened because you have a right to grieve alone, and furthermore no one can really understand your pain; or not speaking to your children about the truths of Sex, and appropriate boundaries surrounding the topic, because we assume, they are too young to handle the information (although they were the ones to ask about it in the first place). I have come to see this as the “You can’t handle the Truth” syndrome, or mentality; A patronizing thought process at best. Treating our friends, families and loved ones as children (even if they happen to be young) who are not resilient enough to deal with the information they are presented with, and adjust accordingly.

How can we always assume that we have the capacity to handle things, while other’s do not? Where do these ridiculous notions come from? Some ridiculous, and unevolved souls may say this is the patriarchy. I have to disagree.

Maybe it’s the side effect of a personality disorder such as Narcissism, that doesn’t allow certain people to receive disturbing information, and rationalize it. After all leading experts in the field of Psychology have been stating (in the last 10 years) that they are seeing an abnormal number of Narcissists especially in the Boomer, and Millennial generations. There are tons of videos about how they handle information that may enlighten all of us as to why difficult topics have been kept in the dark. I do not think the blame can be squarely put on their shoulders, however the disorder’s influence on our society should be explored. Especially when considering the numbers.

Regardless of how it all started, I propose we bring it to an end. Maybe it’s time to consider that everyone was created with the ability to cope with the information that is presented to them, no matter how shocking, and actually, it may be more beneficial that it is presented, as to bring awareness and understating around topics of disfunction of any kind. (In clinical psychology this is referred to as exposure method).

WE CAN “Handle the Truth”. We are all born equipped for it, and we become stronger, more resilient, and happier as we learn to know, and own the truth of ourselves our vulnerabilities and our resilience, as well as the difficult realities of living life in a world filled with both good and evil.

So maybe try it. Begin a new practice. Speak the truth around every and all matters in your life. You may be surprised at how well you’re received, and how inspirational and transformational your vulnerability truly is.

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I still believe in God! After life in a Christian Cult of the 60’s.

In 1975 I was born into a Christian Cult. I did not join a Cult or choose it, my parents did, and by de-facto there I was. The cult at that time went by the name of “The Children of God”. Their rise and fall is well documented on YouTube and other streaming channels so I will not rehash the story, or mention the name of their diabolic leader. Other than to say that, like in all Cults, things started innocently enough, with a call to living Christian values, inspiring young activist minded youth of the 60″ to change the world, and be a force for positive change. Many joined, some came to know Christ through joining, others (like my parents) were already Christians, and they saw their involvement as a means to live their faith in a radical way. The 60″ were radical times, of great change. Like in all Cults, things degenerated quickly: hierarchy’s were established, inner workings of the leader and his closest (the elders) were kept from the group. Formal and informal systems of control took hold to keep members obedient, and bringing in money. (of course it’s about self enrichment for a Cult Leader). By the mid 70″ (when I was born) things had degenerated to such a state; I remember adults screaming at each-other about not being in “the spirit” (whatever that meant), women were flirty fishing (just another term for prostituting themselves to bring money into the group), and parents were sexually, and mentally abusing their children in the name of “Free Love”. And of course, all of this was okay because after all “The End of the World was at hand, and they were all about to be raptured”. Yes, things got pretty dark!

I consider myself very lucky; My father was from Europe, (where I was born), he joined the Cult when he was traveling through the U.S in the 60″; so when the edict went out to move to Europe, because the end was nigh, and was going to come to the U.S first (a.k.a The Cult Leader was in the cross hairs of the FBI, for Tax fraud); my father had the advantage of being from there, and knowing the lay of the land. He decided to not live in a commune, but rent a house for our family, as we were a brood of 7 kids. Looking back I believe that I was spared from possible physical abuse, due to this decision. My life in the cult didn’t last long. My parent left the group in 1979, after a Cult news letter was published encouraging parents to “love their children”. We were out!!

Cults are brainwashing havens, and for the upcoming 10/15 years I watched my parents, and some former members that were still friends, unravel their minds from everything they had come to believe was true, while also struggling to reconcile their faith, and relationship with God, and find some prospective and self forgiveness for having been so terribly wrong about the organization they had called their family for 10+ years. All of this of course effected me too, and has deeply informed my life, and my belief in God.

For example: I had to stop waiting for the “End of the World and the Rapture” (we were taught it was imminent). I had to integrate into society, after being told they were all “systemites” (Cult term). I had to find clarity about the culture of judgment that was fostered in the Cult. I had to weather the confusion as I watched many of “the adults” lose their faith in God. Some turned to secularism, some to spirituality, feeling ashamed at having been duped into, thought processes, and behaviors that are deplorable by any standard.

It has been now 41 Years since my parents left the Cult, and again, I say: “I was lucky”. My parents came from good families that welcomed them back with open arms when they left, and gave them, and their children, a second chance at a “normal” life (This was not the case for some, who had fled bad/abusive homes to originally join). Over time we were able to heal our relationship with each-other, society, and God. But I know so many ex-members that deny God even to this day. And to them I would say only this: Please forgive yourself. You were young, you were idealistic. You were duped, not by your belief in God, but by your blind belief in a charismatic man, that was saying all the right things at the right time. Forgive yourself, and repent! Jesus Loves you, we are The Children of God!

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